We Value...

Bible-focused Discipleship

Since our growth is rooted in the Word of God, our discipleship at every level finds the Bible at its heart.

Gospel-centered Living  

The gospel of Jesus is the center of everything do. It changes our relationships, motives, and lifestyles.

A Missionary Mindset

We are all living in a fallen world. Each of us has the calling to live as salt and light, proclaiming Christ in our neighborhoods and workplaces, through our words and actions.

Intergenerational Worship 

When the gospel binds us together, it frees us to release differences and stylistic preferences for the sake of unity.



 Meaningful Membership

Belonging to a church means more than having your name on a roll. Membership means that you are a part of a family, sharing one another's burdens and the mutual responsibility of ministry.

Concord Baptist Church Covenant

To help us embrace what it means to join together as members of Concord, 
we adopted a covenant which we celebrate and revisit regularly. 

Having believed in Jesus as Lord, having been baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and having determined to live in fellowship with the family of redeemed sinners called Concord Baptist Church, we affirm this covenant with one another. For God’s glory and with his help: 

  • We will gather regularly as a church in eager worship of the triune God, upholding our mission, doctrine, and covenant.

  • We will seek to live lives of joyful obedience, learning to follow all Scripture as seen in the light of Christ.

  • We will aim to be recognized as Christians by our earnest love for one another, serving each other with our gifts and resources; sharing in each other’s joys and burdens; encouraging each other in the truth; being slow to anger and quick to forgive; and expecting the church to pursue us when we stray, even to the point of discipline if necessary. 

  • We will give ourselves to continual prayer, both for and with one another, calling on God to glorify his name in our church, our homes, and our world. 

  • We will support the work of our church through cheerful giving, believing that God will make all grace abound to us as we reflect his generosity. 

  • We will pursue constant missional engagement, seeking to advance the gospel among the next generation within our church, among our neighbors, and among the nations. 

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. Amen.